Web 2.0

Nov 27, 2009

Nur Kasih Final Episode (EP-26)

Aliya memberitahu Nur Amina bahawa dia redha jika aidil berkahwin dengan Nur Amina. Nur Amina berang kerana mereka beranggapan dia tidak mampu hidup sendiri. Nur Amina menolak dan tetap setia menunggu Adam pulang.

Nur Amina mengambil keputusan untuk bekerja semula di syarikat milik Adam. Pada mulanya, mereka semua keberatan tetapi akhirnya mereka memberi kebenaran..

Ketika menaiki keretapi untuk ke Kuala Lumpur, Nur Amina bertemu dengan Adam. Nur Amina membawa Adam pulang. Mereka semua terkejut bercampur gembira melihat kepulangan Adam.

 Regarding this drama that being aired in TV3, finally come to the final episode today. To the fans,  dont miss this episode. All your curious will be reveal today.


Nov 23, 2009

AL-Khawarizmi Programming Competition

ACM-ICPC Malaysia al-Khawārizmī National Programming Contest 2009


Alhamdulillah, as in the title, IIUM has been organized such a annual event on 22nd - 23rd November 2009. The participants come from all around the universities in Malaysia. The first day was been held in the Cultural Activity Centre ,C.A.C Hall, mainly for the opening ceremony. After that the participants were having the mocking session in Lab A. The next day, was the real competition.

A brief idea of what is ACM-ICPC is.

     As agreed by ACM-ICPC Headquarters (Baylor, Texas), Malaysia will host the ACM-ICPC Regional 2010, and ACM-ICPC World Finals 2011. The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), with strong support of the Ministry of Higher Education had fruitfully brought ACM-ICPC to our country. 
      Today, IIUM organizes the Malaysia national level ACM-ICPC (al-Khawārizmī) annually as preparation platform for all our local universities contestants to prepare and qualify themselves for the Asia Regional and subsequently the World Finals ACM-ICPC. Source

So lets have a look to the event.

Past year competition in 2008. Both of the team from IIUM. The winner!

The table of VIP.

IIUM teams having a lunch. Dont know what they are laughing about.

A team from other university.

IIUM Team #1

IIUM Team #2

IIUM Team #3

IIUM Team #4

Nov 22, 2009

Design #1

Just playing with the brush..

Nov 16, 2009


Nov 14, 2009


Just a simple and plain typography.

footnote: still learning the art of typography.

Nov 13, 2009

Film Ketika Cinta Bertasbih

Mega motion pictures “When Love is Extolled” is derived from a mega bestseller novel in south East Asia, a masterpiece of Habiburrahman El Shirazy. It tells a story of the main character, Khairul Azzam, an Indonesian college student in the Al Azhar University, Cairo. An inspiring story of how the main character works hard and struggle to support his mother and younger siblings back home, while also finishing his education. It will also be a lesson for us to see how Khairul Azzam struggles to find his soul mate while still adhering to his moral and he setting of this movie is a true depiction of how it was told in the novel. The audience will be spoiled with beautiful imageries of the Nile River, Pyramid, Sphinx, and the city of Alexandria. The breath taking view of the Mediterranean Sea and the Qait Bay tower are only some of the wonderful Egyptian landscapes we’ll find in this movie. Source

Semasa jenjalan kt ruang maya ni di kala ak cuti 2 bulan ni, terjumpe la review movie ni. Memule tgk mcm best je. Nak2 pulak ad link download. Ape lagi sedut le. E-book dy pon dah ad kt internet. Tp harapan la nak bace. Ak lagi suka tgk dy nye movie. Dah ad dua siri cite ni. Ni yg pertama.

Cite ni adalah sentuhan daripada Habiburrahman Elshirazy. Dan cite ni merupakan movie islamic yg kedua ak tgk selepas AAC dari Indonesia. Penggambaran cite ni di filemkan di Mesir. Real punye. Bkn mcm AAC.

Sesekali layan cite indon plak. Yelah, asyik tgk filem holywood je. Betul tak? Btw ak blom abes download lagi cite ni. Dalam proses. So x boleh nak bagi review panjang2. Kepada yg dh tgk tu boleh la bgi comment ye. Ok?

TrailerOST KCB - Tuhan Beri Aku Cinta | Web Rasmi

Nov 10, 2009

Photo and photos

lensa & grafik : Helmi Abdullah

lensa & grafik : Helmi Abdullah

lensa : Afie Anwar
grafik : Helmi Abdullah

Intechss Photoshoot

bertempat di bangunan bersejarah yg di namakan Block E. yg kt belakang tu block C time ni ramai yg x datang. so ade bureau2 yg x de gamba.

lensa : Afie Anwar
grafik : Helmi Abdullah

ni time AGM daa. ad ramai cameraman time ni. sbb tu ad yg fokus tempat laen2.

nota kaki : to those who want high resolution picture for the respective photo, just drop message at my shoutbox.

Nov 9, 2009

2012- The End Of The World

Menyentuh soal aksi, paparan bumi dibelah, gempa hebat, ribut kuat, gunung yang memuntahkan laharnya serta tsunami gergasi yang melanda sehingga menutupi hampir keseluruhan muka bumi sesuatu yang menakjubkan untuk dipaparkan di layar lebar.

Bayangkan saja, tsunami gergasi yang mampu menutupi keseluruhan tanah tinggi di dunia ini serta tanah merekah akibat gempa kemudian turut memuntahkan larva berapi menjadi antara babak yang tidak pernah dibayangkan sebelum ini.

Tidak cukup dengan itu, aksi di mana kapal perang Amerika Syarikat (AS) diterbalikkan dan dihanyutkan tsunami berkenaan juga antara yang menarik untuk ditonton.

FILEM: 2012
PENGARAH: Roland Emmerich
PELAKON: Amanda Peet, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover dan John Cusack
GENRE: Aksi / Sains Fiksyen
TAYANGAN: 12 November 2009

nota kaki: bile ak tgk trailer movie ni. best la plak. ye la klu  tgk dy nye CGI. fuh mantaap. jom layanzz.

Oct 29, 2009

Cuti2 malaysia


Time goes around, and to count, my holiday has come to nearly a month. Yeah two month holiday is such a long holiday. and it will become worst if you just sit at home and just do nothing. One month left before i got to pursue my studies in IIUM Gombak. Bile cuti lame2 boring plak. Aiyyaa.

The new semester in CFS has just begin. So to my friends who re-sit,repeat and finishing the semester, good luck to them.

What I do in the holiday ? Thats a good question. Haha. Nothing to be discussed actually. Routinely, i will be a driver. In the morning, send them to schools and fetch them back to home. Go to hypermarket to buy stuff. Giant, Jusco, Hero, that the mall that i usually go. Also, I will at my father's cafe to help him.  After that, I will infront of my pc. On9, surfing internet, downloading, nur kasihing, photoshopping. That a common activities. Huhu.

Oct 26, 2009

When I'm bored

I want to share with you lah, my recent photos.

Location : Masjid Negara
Comment : Taken with no tripod. So the picture was not properly alligned.

 Comment : My brothers. Style !

Location : Masjid Negara

Feel free to comment.

Oct 23, 2009


Yeah. Talking about the result. I'm pretty sure that you guys want to know my result. Huh. Basicly, my target for this semester is in the range. And alhamdulliah, pray to Allah(S.W.T), to be honest, I got two As. One A and A- and the others two are Bs. So can you guest which subject with the grades? Math, Phy, PG and IL.

For this semester, there are 4 subjects and compare to previous semesters, it is the highest and it is also the toughest semester. Two group projects that must be completed for PG and IL subjects. Due date of the projects also in between the exam period. As usuall, many groups like to start and submit in the last minute. A week before the final exam was a tension week. That the hardest things.

To my lectures, Ms Azimah, Bro Nazir, Mdm Fuhaina and Mdm Noraini, a million thanks to you. Without you i'm nothing in cfs. All are the best! Pray for me for success in gombak. InsyaAllah. To my friends, see you in Gombak. IIUM Gombak, here I come.

Oct 22, 2009

[PS] Design your own simcard

1. By using Rounded Marquee Tool, design a rectangle shape (simcard-like). Then use your favourite color.

2. Right click >> Blending Options, then use this setting :

3. Use the same tool and design a new rectangular shape while pressing the SHIFT key.

Click Image

4. Repeat step 2 by using this setting:

5. Next, the important tool in photoshop, Pen Tool. Create a few lines as below.

6. It is not complete yet. The lines that you are to create.

Click Here

7. Merge Down (Ctrl + E) the 'lines' layers..Then Right Click>>Blending Options

Click Here

8. By using pen tool. Create a path like below. Then Right Click >> Make Selection. Then fill it with white color and opacity=10.

Click Here

9. Then put some text, logo based on your creativity. Here is the result. clap